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Solutions for your Company

Our Services


Our services are designed to guide you in crafting your corporate strategy, setting operational objectives, and determining the necessary actions to achieve these goals. Additionally, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout the implementation process to ensure success.

Leveraging AI

Unlock the power of Artificial Intelligence in your Business – expert consulting and tailored implementation services for sustainable success. Empower your business with cutting-edge AI solutions through our expert consulting and customized implementation services. Maximize efficiency, innovation, and long-term success in your company.

Business Intelligence

 StreamlineConsult empowers your organization by helping to implement Business Intelligence (BI) systems, enabling early detection of deviations, pinpointing underlying causes, and establishing a foundation for decisive action. BI tools will enhance both your operational and strategic decision-making processes, ensuring more informed and effective choices.

Corporate Performance

StreamlineConsult helps you to increase the performance of your company. We identify profitability potential in your company and accompany you through the operationalisation and the leverage of the potential.

M & A

The purchase / sale must be carefully planned and implemented in a goal-oriented manner so that the desired goals are achieved. StreamlineConsult accompanies your purchase / sale of small and medium enterprises or parts thereof.


We are the premier partner for ensuring your company’s sustained success over the medium and long term. We have a wide range of resources to contribute to your sustainable corporate success. Customized to align with your specific requirements and preferences and whether you are structuring or restructuring, we are partners to help successfully master challenging times.

AI / ChatGPT
Tools & Learning Center

Our AI / ChatGPT Tools & Learning Center serves as a comprehensive repository tools and learning materials, designed to empower users with the knowledge to harness AI and ChatGPTs full potential. It an indispensable resource for both beginners and experts using AI and ChatGPT to boost business productivity . 

We help you to achieve your goals.

In times of strong global competition, entrepreneurial performance is crucial for the success and a prerequisite for securing and expanding the relative strength of a company over the competition.

Industry References

Retail, services and production / manufacturing are our expertise.

Spray casting
Fiber composite production
Control technology
Energy technology
Synthetic coating
Recreational facility
Building automation
Real estate

About us

„Success begins with the will to move things.“

We are experts in screening and accompanying companies to find solutions and to identify and leverage potential for profitability. This competence is based on many years of experience with commercial, production and service companies in Central Europe. We have extensive expertise and experience in structuring & restructuring businesses and understanding how to improve product profitability and business performance.

Contact us

Please contact us for inquiries or to schedule a confidential, non-binding initial consultation.

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